Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Visual Narrative Module - Final evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this brief and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
This brief helped me develop my research and evaluation skills, having to do Studio Brief 1 and collect as much physical evidence as possible in order to come up with a subject matter for the next brief and to help the project develop showed me the importance of extensive research prior to beginning a brief in order to just stimulate ideas. I learnt that constantly gathering physical research like photos and simply sitting somewhere and observing can help generate loads of different ideas and help you to develop a project if you get stuck. I think I applied this very well during my project, because after my first time of just sitting and observing I got a bit stuck for ideas, but after my second time sitting in Trinity and just watching people and taking notes of things I found interesting, helped me to come up with a project that I became really interested in and really liked the outcomes.

2. What approaches to/methods of image making have you developed and how have they informed your concept development process?
When I was just putting down my initial ideas of a concept rather than thinking about the actual visual aesthetic of the ideas I just used a pencil to quickly keep track of my ideas or things I thought could develop into a full illustration, but as I started to think about what I wanted to my illustrations to communicate, I wanted them to be funny and kind of hectic looking, I changed the media I used to better suite what I wanted my images to say. At first I tried using a brush pen and doing quick and not very neat sketches with block colours and no texture. After lots of experimenting with this one of the images I did, where I overlapped two block colours, made me decide I wanted to screen print my final book. After this I started to make my images look a bit cleaner and made more of a uniform line quality in order to make it easier to screen print, however I think this took away from how I originally wanted my work to come across.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I think the biggest strength in my work is that I can make people laugh. A lot of the feedback I received in the crit was that my work made people laugh and they could either relate to the characters I portrayed in my work or that they knew someone exactly like that. I want to continue making humorous work but also make work that has more a specific message. In this brief I made work that satirised our youth culture but didn't particularly have a clear purpose or message, other than to make people laugh. I want to combine humor and also work that communicates something important.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
I think that in general I sometimes lack the quantity of development work that is needed, sometimes I tend to only develop my ideas a little bit and when I find something I really like, stick to it rather than try to really improve it. I get too excited about creating the finished product rather than spending time developing lots and lots of ideas to create the best possible outcome. Although I was very happy with the outcome of my final book for this project I wish I had spent more time experimenting with media or possible materials for my book, although I think that what I came out with in the end did in fact communicate what I wanted it to, I think I could have found a different media that allowed me to spend more time on making my actual book into something interesting and different. In the future I will spend more time exploring different ideas rather than focussing on one and just using one media that I think works best.

5. Identify 5 things you will do differently next time and what you expect to gain from doing these?
Next time I plan to spread my time more equally between research, developing and creating a finished piece of work. I want to explore lots of different alternatives to creating work and create something that looks completely different to what I have made before. I think that if I do this I will begin to find more and more ways of working that bring out my ability to entertain people and make people think with my work. Balancing my time equally will help to make all aspects of my briefs the best they can be, doing more research will better inform my ideas and help me come up with more, combining this with more experimentation and documentation will help make me decide what method of working best suites me.

6. How would you grade yourself on the following areas?
Attendance - 5
Punctuality - 4
Motivation - 4
Commitment - 4
Quantity of work produced - 4
Quality of work produced - 5
Contribution to the group - 4

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