Saturday 14 March 2015

OUIL502 - Tumblr

I also use Tumblr occasionally, although again I don't find it as engaging as Instagram, I think mainly because it takes more effect to keep it updated regularly, and it's often hard to get noticed, although a few of my posts have had a fair few notes.
I want to improve my Tumblr over summer and push myself to be more recognised.
I think the main problem with Tumblr, is that there's a definite certain type of person that uses it, and certain things are more popular than other things, mainly pop culture related work, which I don't always like doing.

I also don't really like Tumblr, because it's full of a lot of irrelevant crap. I used to have a personal Tumblr, but I found it too distracting and I wasted a lot of time on it, so I deleted it and now only use my illustration Tumblr.

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