Monday 16 March 2015

OUIL502 - Studio Brief 1 - Bakewell Soap Company

“This is a concept redesign of the soap packaging for The Bakewell Soap Company who produce, amongst other things, beautifully coloured blocks of handmade soap specially blended for different skin types. Sadly the existing packaging doesn’t live up to the quality of the product with a poor design and cheap printing.
The DZINE MAFIA packaging has brightened the pack giving a more solid brand feel, including a new simpler, more classic logo working alongside a slab-serif font in a handprinted finish. Bespoke illustrations sit top and bottom to help differentiate each variety, resulting in a gift or luxury treat with a more artisan and individual feel.”

I found this to be most relevant to my project, as they are quite unique scents, illustrated using a unifying style. These illustrations are quite life like, which is something I kind of want to move away from to make my designs a bit more unqiue, but I like the combination of texture and colour in these designs. 

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