Wednesday 24 February 2016

OUIL603 - Anorak is the dream.

So after being at the Anorak briefing I have decided that working at Anorak is my actual dream. 

I'm gunna put together a portfolio to send them, and probably a few other people too.

I'm excited, but scared because Anorak is in London and London is a scary place where I would most certainly not want to live. I think to calm myself I may look for more places like Anorak but in Yorkshire or somewhere in the North. If there isn't anywhere like that then I would just have to start my own childrens magazine.

The covers of Anorak are amazing and I think that's it really important to give children the chance to see really nice illustration, rather than the rubbish that is normally seen in the children's magazine aisle. One of my favourite things about Anorak that was mentioned during the briefing was that the magazine is gender neutral and doesn't try to aim itself at any specific group of child.

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