Wednesday 18 November 2015

OUIL602 - Kaylan Presents

As I will be part of Thought Bubble festival, I was invited by Kalyan Presents to take part in a live comic drawing evening at LS6 Clock Cafe. 

The event itself, although only small scale, was very fun, and I got to talk to some really nice people. I took part in both live comic and portrait drawing, everyone was really pleased with the portraits we did, I handed out a few business cards and met some other artists who were also exhibiting at Thought Bubble. 

Tuesday 10 November 2015

OUIL602 - Testimonials

Dear John,

Following on from the portfolio surgery with Patrick, I decided to ask a few people that I've worked with in the past to write me a short testimonial, just something along the lines of why they like my work and what it was like working with me. I've got one response already from a girl called Hildur who I've worked with a few times:

"Becky is an absolutely brilliant artist with so many good and fun ideas! She is flexible, easy to collaborate with and very thorough. I'd recommend her to anyone and everyone who wants something designed. I'm very drawn to her work (pun intended)." - Hildur Hoglind - Musician

"Becky's ability to put ideas onto paper is faultless, she is a versatile designer who can always produce exactly what you ask of her, and still exceed expectation! She did artwork for my recent tour and the merch sold incredibly well, simply due to her wonderful illustrations!" Sam Lyon - Musician

I fell in love with Becky's art as soon as she showed me. I played a house show and she did a doodle in my touring book which ended up turning into Merch designs and now she is my go-to-person for all designs. What a legend! - Tom George - Musician

OUIL602 - I have a domain name

Dear John,

This afternoon I took the plunge and spent my money on a domain name. is now registered to me, and I'm going to start building the site after Thought Bubble is out the way.

I hope you are proud of me.



Tuesday 3 November 2015

OUIL602 - Rami Kim

Dear John,

Whilst browsing pinterest once again, I cam across another artist that works with cermaics. Rami Kim.
Here's is slightly less abstract and more figurative than the last illustrator I blogged about, but I love how she combines character with her clay work to create cute little objects.

Definitely gives me ideas.



OUIL602 - Mina Perhonen

Dear John,

I found an illustrator who perfectly shows what I want my practice to be about.

Mina Perhonen designs patterns for clothing, and has her own fashion range. Obviously my work would look different from this, but I love the colours she uses, and how she combines illustration with fashion design.

OUIL602 - Ruan Hoffman

Dear John,

Whilst I was browsing Pinterest, as I do so often when I'm procrastinating, I came across this artist, who makes ceramics.

These are super nice, I like how they aren't all uniform shape, and are more like a canvas then a bowl or anything like that.

It makes me want to only do ceramics from now on.



OUIL602 - I spoke to someone I love

Dear John,

I think I am a funny person, and funny people inspire me too, I like funny people.
One of the funniest people/persons I know is Ethan and Hila Klein, YouTube comedians and husband and wife. Hila is also an artist, and does some pretty funky art work. 

I found her on Facebook and messaged, telling her how much I love them both and asking if we could maybe do an art swap. Low and behold... I got a reply!


I am very very happy.

