Thursday 17 October 2013

OUIL402 - Studio Brief 1 - Revolutionary Road

I recently watched Revolutionary Road, a film set in 1950s suburban America which focus's on a couples struggles living the "idealistic" life and longing to recapture their freedom whilst living in such a conformist society. I think this film interested me so much, because of the approach it takes towards societies belief that it is a woman's role in life to settle down with a husband and have children. Obviously back then it was seen as controversial if a woman didn't do this, so a lot of women will have felt pressured into having children, even if they didn't want them. Although I would not call myself a feminist, I am very passionate about a woman's freedom to not have children, or to not act in the way that society wants them to act. This is a message I would like to try and incorporate into some of my work, and it kind of ties in with a lot of my beliefs, that people should not act a certain way just because our society sees it as the norm, people should do things and act in a way that makes them happy.

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